Welcome to the Spring Mountain Radio Group
List of repeaters and nodes:
N6VNV "Al" - node 60179
447.425 - 141.3
Central Las Vegas
N6VNV - node 604460
927.1375 - DPL 411
Central Las Vegas
N7RSL "Robb" - node 60080
446.550 - 141.3
Kyle Canyon
N7RSL - node 60696
224.540 - 141.3
Tropical & Ann Rd.
K1CBS "Tom" - node 63319
447.850 - 141.3
near South Point Casino.
KJ7FKQ "Matt" - node 638030
447.550 - 141.3
Boulder City NV.
N7JRX "Jeremy" node 618500
440.5 - 141.3 (Shari Pihat).
Reno NV.
N2DKI "Frank" node 62893
927.125 - 91.5
Henderson NV.
Future Repeaters:
N6VNV - node 604461
927.1875 - DPL 411
N7JRX - node 618501
446.425 - 141.3